Remember Who You Are

(Q)Who are you?

What for use does it have to know who I am? I mean there may be a whole world out there that don’t care about it right??
What if I told you that if you took a step back and viewed your current situation that it would not seem so bad?
Let’s take that step and look at it from the sideline.
As we look from the sideline. We see a person struggling with life, going thru ups and downs who tries to live a peaceful life. A moment later we see that he/she is hanging out with his/her friends. It seems that he/she is having fun and enjoying the time that he/she is spending with them. Time passes and everyone starts to leave. They say goodbye. From that moment we see that the person falls down on her knees weeping tears.
It’s a common thing that we don’t want to be alone.                                                                                            Being alone hurts…
That annoying feeling of being left alone or to be with a group and still feel alone.
It stings but it shows us that we are still human.

A way to remember who you are is to realize that you are still human. What I want to say with that is that there are many who faces the same problem.

(Q)Identify what sets you apart?

We all have that one kind of group that we follow. If you like it or not you’re a follower of a certain of group. The cool group, the loners, and the athletic you name it and there is a group of it. Even of the spaghetti monsters… Yea there is a group that believes in the spaghetti monsters.
Your identity is created by the choices you make. A lot may say that you’re worthless, you’re a scum, you’re ugly or fat named it. After hearing it over and over and over again it starts show in your own life. You will start believing in them and lose who you really are.
Don’t let others judgment ruin your true identity.

A Mask With Thousand Faces

What I used to do was cover it. I would wear a mask. Behind it I would be in pain but from the outside I would be smiling. Wearing a mask was fun. I never had to worry about what others might think of me and I faked it, to live bearing the Title of being that weird kid.  One day I was forced to take it off and show who I really was.
To help another seeing the value of their own life I had to remember who I am and what I stand for. From that point on I start living without the mask, without the name I would use to hide behind.

My Lifetime Story a story written by a boy that had to 
remember who he was before he could help another. My name is Demario and it’s a pleasure to meet you.
I will be posting once a week. Many bloggers post like 4 a 7 times a week but I like to spend time thinking and recapping moments. That’s why I won’t be posting more than 1 or 2 a week.

Feel free to add and follow me. Leave a plus if you liked the post. Ohh I left a few questions for you. Leave your answer below in the comment box hehehe.

Best wishes,


  1. Great post, I love that, I feel people need to stop embracing their issues and start embracing their loves.

    1. That is true Hella. People need to stop looking at their limits and start looking at what they can do.
      Thank you for sharing it ^^.

  2. Heh! yet another good one, well i did not see the questions you left?
    But, this was quite a good example of how most mainly people are, your point of view is really correct, but what they sometimes need to learn is accepting.
    With accepting things they might come even further then they believe.
    I hope your next post is about Acceptance, cuz your actually doing good and talking reality. :D i hope to see more.


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