The Meaning 0f W0rds

ZERO WITH NO VALUE.As we speak we use w0rds. T0 build and T0 destr0y. I have changed the O t0 a ZERO. For with0ut a meaning, they have no value. They don’t see the reason why. But i want to show you.

Dawn of time
Since the dawn of time we try to express our self. We use gesture and words. We place them in a following order to create a sentence and with that sentence we display what we want to express.

I want to show a wonderful meaning for the words we speak. 

You are what you speak.
Many won’t believe this but have you ever wonder why we speak soo negative about certain situation. I do not want to sound like a mindfullnesfreak who say that you should always think positive etc… Many times we speak words that define and create a certain situation. Let’s take math for an example. Many people know the situation that you are not so good with calculation.
Many can handle 1 + 1. But when James have 74, 5 apples, he gives Joyce 7/8 apples and eats 1. How many apples would James have? Such question as that are always hard to answer. If you know the answer feel free to type it down for I wonder how James can give a half of his apple to his friend.

I once had a friend (just a classmate) who would say I can’t and would give up. I always wonder what would happen if she would say I can’t BUT I want to try, I want to learn it so that I can change the words I can’t too I can.  Or I can but I am not so good.
Nothing can change if you take nothing and give it something.

To build is to give 1 to another
I might sound dramatic by saying to build is to give 1 to another. It sounds weird give 1 to another….. It is very risky because you never know how a person would react on you. There are many images of people giving and being rejected.
As we live in a world with 7 billion people where communication seems so difficult. We have mobile devices where we can chat day and night with everyone from this world. It is quite awesome thou. Thanks to that I was able to make friends in China and in the USA.  But for them it is not hard to give yourself. For the person at the other side won’t judge you, won’t hurt you, won’t tease you and gives you the freedom to be who you want to be. Ask yourself the following question (hehehe it sounds like a pop quiz)
Do I have friends who I can talk to like I talk with people online?
If you do then you’re doing it well.
A true friend knows the value of giving. Not just giving presents but giving himself to be a friend for others.

By saying the right words you can add a value to a person life who lost it. ZERO it stands for those who don’t see the value of the things they do. As an example: They don’t see the value of their life.
Words can change a situation.

If you liked the story feel free to give it a 1+ and share it. Thank you for reading and untill next time.

Best wishes,



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